The Break Free Weekly Newsletter - Edition #4
Death, Taxes, and Temptation: Facing Life’s Certainties with Strength
Opening Remarks: Death, Taxes, and Temptation: Facing Life’s Certainties with Strength
They say nothing in life is certain except death and taxes. I’d argue we should add temptation to that list. Like death, temptation is an unavoidable part of the human condition - something we all wrestle with throughout life. Faced with the finite nature of our existence, we often question the value of self-discipline. Why deny ourselves gratification and pleasure when the world tells us, “You only live once”? Why not indulge in what we think we need, even when the warning signs are clear?
Like taxes, temptation can feel like a necessary evil, the price we pay to exist in a free and consumer-driven society. Our desire for more - more pleasure, more possessions, more distractions - can easily tax our attention and erode our commitment to values like virtue, honesty, and integrity. Yet, just as we navigate taxes to live responsibly, we can confront temptation not as something to fear but as an opportunity to grow stronger in our resolve.
In the end, all three - death, taxes, and temptation - are inevitable, but each holds value in shaping our lives. Instead of running from them, why not face them with courage, seeking the understanding to embrace their lessons and the wisdom to grow stronger through them?
As you start this week, take a moment to reflect on what is tempting you - not just the person, image, or situation, but the deeper feeling at your core. When you run toward temptation, what are you leaving behind? What truth are you avoiding?
The more deeply you explore these questions, the more clearly you’ll understand yourself. And with that understanding comes the strength to face life’s inevitable challenges with bravery and steadfast stamina.
Featured Articles
“Divorce, depression, desperation - these weren’t just random occurrences. They were the inevitable outcomes of ignoring my values and following temptation into places I should never have gone. Looking back, I realize something crucial - I’ve always had the freedom to say no. The power to resist temptation, to protect my dignity and integrity, was within me all along. It wasn’t the lack of strength that led me astray, it was the lack of awareness that I could choose differently.”
Overcoming Temptation: A Biblical Perspective
“For a Christian, success often means growing closer to God. A key aspect in this pursuit is the fight against temptation. So what can you do when you’re tempted? For the Christian wanting to overcome temptation to sin, consider these biblical strategies to grow in holiness before God.”
10 Practical Ways to Resist Pornography and Sexual Temptation
“When you were a kid, however many decades ago that was, pornographic material was not as readily available as it is today. Sure, there were magazines and video rentals, but those were not available at the mere click of a mouse. You had to go out of your home to get them. Today pornography and sexual temptation are everywhere, as close as the phone in your pocket. As a husband and father, you’ve certainly faced this temptation and, like many others, you’ve likely failed time and time again.”
Practical Tips: 30 Day Podcast Challenge
Listen to 1 porn-free podcast episode each day for 30 days
This is a strategy I implemented about 5 years ago that jumpstarted my journey of recovery. I remember hitting rock bottom after my wife at the time caught me in the act and journeying up to the mountains of Colorado for a couple of days of solitude with my dog Bo. I spent my time reading, journaling, listening to Porn Free Radio (about 20 episodes in a short amount of time and then continuous daily episodes once I got back into town), and fly fishing. I look back at that time as a pivotal turning point in my life of self-discovery. That time spent in solitude encouraged me to get help and start pursuing this challenge with more intentionality and vigor.
When you educate yourself on this topic, you will begin to understand what you need to do in your life to change your trajectory.
Give this challenge a shot and let me know how it goes!
Podcasts to listen to:
Community Spotlight
Great Recommendations from Danny
“While not specifically for porn - Indistractable by Nir Eyal is a parallel work (Eyal and Clear are friends) to Atomic Habits - focusing on eliminating bad habits.
Another thought is a recommendation by Maimonides to deal with bad habits like porn - take yourself to the brink and come back to sanity.
It's an interesting approach which might not work well in today's infinitely-rich online media world”.
Some days temptation will hit harder than others. On those days - lean in to your spirituality, physical activities, connecting with others, and spending time working on your passion projects. If we stay still for too long, temptation can start to erode and overwhelm our willpower. Always be vigilant and aware of temptation and have a plan to address it!
Additional Resources
Books of the Month:
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Your Brain on Porn by Gary Wilson
Porn Free: Becoming the Type of Man Who Does Not Look at Porn by Matt Dobschuetz
Porn Free Millennial Podcasts:
Apps to Help You Stay Focused On Your Recovery:
Freedom - Blocks distracting apps
Stay Focused - Limits your screen time
Sober - Tracks your sobriety down to the second
1:1 Momentum Building Sessions - Email for a free consultation.