It made me think of all the things people feed their souls: news, violent movies, etc.
I haven't read any news in almost eight years. It feels so quiet and light in my head.
I had bulimia as a young adult and your poem reminded me of those days. My eating disorder became my "best friend". It was always there when I felt an unwholesome emotion.
Now I practice Buddhism taught by the American monk Bhante Vimalaramsi and I haven't been happier. They have free online retreats all the time and they are free, in case you are curious.
Thank you for your beautiful poem. I appreciate it very much.
what lovely poem! my mother would say 'grosse augen' - big eyes - when we would pile food on our plates a and not finish.
Thanks Danny! Our eyes are sometimes too big for our stomachs. My Grandpa used to ask me if I didn’t like his food after my 4th completed plate.
"The eyes feed your soul.
Watch what you eat."
I loved your poem so much.
And that last use of words so witty.
It made me think of all the things people feed their souls: news, violent movies, etc.
I haven't read any news in almost eight years. It feels so quiet and light in my head.
I had bulimia as a young adult and your poem reminded me of those days. My eating disorder became my "best friend". It was always there when I felt an unwholesome emotion.
Now I practice Buddhism taught by the American monk Bhante Vimalaramsi and I haven't been happier. They have free online retreats all the time and they are free, in case you are curious.
Thank you for your beautiful poem. I appreciate it very much.
Ana, thank you for your vulnerability and perspective. We ingest so many things with our eyes. It made me think about how that affects our core.
I’m happy you are finding peace and bliss as that is essential to the flavor of the human experience.
We learn so much about ourselves in these times of struggle. We need to make it count towards our growth and fulfillment and you are doing that!
Thanks for the support and for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate you!