A newsletter created to provide young adults, living with mental illness, helpful tips, ideas, strategies & approaches for better living, through the power of music, and in less than one minute.
Raising up spiritual warriors to slay today’s dragons, set the captives free, and behold the True, the Good, and the Beautiful ultimately found in Christ Jesus.
Be Good Fruit Podcast is a Christian podcast that tries to give everyone practical applications to use in the world while being good fruit for all to see Christ in us. Join the conversation!
Welcome to my mind and my musings.
Here you will find my poems, short stories, and other musings that may cross my membrane.
Be well and come muse with me!
A scrutiny and response to alluring worldviews, twisted propaganda and ideologies in a Biblical perspective. And WATCH OUT! Unpopular perspectives Ahead..
Stoicism is a philosophical tradition that originated in ancient Greece and was founded by the philosopher Zeno of Citium. It is a philosophy of life that emphasizes the importance of living in accordance with reason and virtue. Stoicism teaches that we s
This Substack is devoted to creating useful tools for studying the Great Books of the Western World. Here you will find study guides for Great Books, sample writing assignments, and reflections on learning and teaching in Classical Christian Education.
Order Within discusses how God can help us to navigate a world falling further into depression, corruption, and crises—Christian-centered content in layman's terms. 50% of earnings go to God-focused organizations and causes.