Opening Remarks: Great-Full
As we step into the final month of the year, I find myself feeling both great and full.
Full of:
This sense of being comes, I believe, from striving to live intentionally in the present moment. The times I’ve felt at my best are those when I’m not caught up in the “what ifs” of the future or the “what was” of the past. Instead, it’s when I’m fully immersed in the here and now - just being and doing.
As you move through this week, take a moment to reflect. What makes you feel great? What are you full of emotionally? Practice the art of being present, and let those moments of connection and flow guide you.
Featured Articles
The Chalice of Comparison - PFM Poem
“The grim teacher sinking deeper,
Seeping into our digital tincture,
A tart taste of the comparison game,
Mixed with the sweet, alluring syrup of fortune and fame.
“It’s not fair!”—we exclaim,
As we scroll to stay sane,
Whilst the inner pain fails to wane…”
Building and Maintaining Confidence - PFM Article
“Confidence is amazing to have and terrible to lose.
Confidence for me has been a core tenet of my life experience and I think it is an important concept to earnestly work towards building.
I’ve had moments of my life of feeling hopelessly unconfident and those moments were entirely miserable.
I’ve also have had moments of feeling hopefully confident and those moments have made me feel invulnerable to any negative energy coming my way.
In experiencing both sides of the scale and contemplating on this concept, I have developed some important questions that you need to ask yourself and answer for yourself.”
Why Today’s Internet Porn is Unlike Anything the World Has Ever Seen
“Porn is incomparably more accessible and more extreme than anything available before the internet. A couple of ratty old centerfold magazines found in the park are nothing compared to the hardcore, high-definition videos that minors have access to today.”
Practical Tips: 30 Day Podcast Challenge
Listen to 1 porn-free podcast episode each day for 30 days - Last week of the challenge!
This is a strategy I implemented about 5 years ago that jumpstarted my journey of recovery. I remember hitting rock bottom after my wife at the time caught me in the act and journeying up to the mountains of Colorado for a couple of days of solitude with my dog Bo. I spent my time reading, journaling, listening to Porn Free Radio (about 20 episodes in a short amount of time and then continuous daily episodes once I got back into town), and fly fishing. I look back at that time as a pivotal turning point in my life of self-discovery. That time spent in solitude encouraged me to get help and start pursuing this challenge with more intentionality and vigor.
When you educate yourself on this topic, you will begin to understand what you need to do in your life to change your trajectory.
Give this challenge a shot and let me know how it goes!
Podcasts to listen to:
Community Spotlight
We are not disqualified from Love - Danny
“The truth is simple yet profound.... Your sins do not disqualify you from love.
Sins are not blemishes. Sins are misses.”
Think about the younger version of yourself - what would they think of who you are today? Live in a way that not only makes them proud but also honors the values and vision you want to embody. Each decision you make shapes that legacy.
Additional Resources
Books of the Month:
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Your Brain on Porn by Gary Wilson
Porn Free: Becoming the Type of Man Who Does Not Look at Porn by Matt Dobschuetz
Porn Free Millennial Podcasts:
Apps to Help You Stay Focused On Your Recovery:
Freedom - Blocks distracting apps
Stay Focused - Limits your screen time
Sober - Tracks your sobriety down to the second
1:1 Momentum Building Sessions - Email for a free consultation.
Closing Remarks: Enjoy the Gift of the Present
My dad once told me, “Never count your days,” when he noticed me getting too absorbed in a future milestone. His words were a gentle reminder to stop overlooking the gifts right in front of me - family, health, friends, work, and the simple joys of everyday life.
Life has a way of rushing by when we’re too focused on what’s ahead. So this week, let’s pause to appreciate the present. Relish the laughter of loved ones, the satisfaction of a job well done, and the beauty in moments we often take for granted.
Remember: the greatest gift is the one we’re living right now - cherish that gift through your intentions and actions this week.
Love it
The times I’ve felt at my best are those when I’m not caught up in the “what ifs” of the future or the “what was” of the past. Instead, it’s when I’m fully immersed in the here and now - just being and doing.
And thanks for quoting me!
Sins are misses! Improve your shooting!