A frequent and pedestrian “insult” thrown my way is that I am a “prude” for speaking against porn consumption and against the exploitative industry.
Whenever I see this jeering curse, I slowly shake my head and sigh.
Unfortunately, we live in the modern world where the Siren’s Song is louder than ever.
Amplified by the algorithm, beautiful women sing their decadent melodies through social media to the masses.
The result?
The harpies feed from the corpses of the lost sailors who crash into the rocks, never to reach their promising destination or return to their loved one’s warm embrace.
Homer’s The Odyssey is a true blueprint hero’s journey but has its impact and lessons been left to decay on the dusty bookshelf of history?
Has valor, wit, and honor been replaced by instant gratification and endless seduction?
This epic hasn’t died. At least with me.
Odysseus wasn’t a “prude” for taking precautions against the Sirens as he traveled back to his homeland to reclaim his kingdom.
He had his crew plug their ears with beeswax and had himself tied to the mast, ensuring no one succumbed to the deadly allure of their song.
Similarly, refraining from porn consumption and choosing to look away from temptation isn’t about prudishness - it’s about protecting yourself and those around you from harm.
Living porn free is sailing towards your destination with a clarity and intention - making sure to avoid the common pitfalls of the failed expeditions before you.
Like Odysseus, it’s about making the smart choice to safeguard your life and the well-being of your crew.
Don’t fall for the Siren’s call or the ones who call you prude (what I call Siren Food).
Keep up the good fight. You are required more than ever. So many family homes have been destroyed by porn. You are a real blessing. Robert.
Siren’s call - all of social media is a siren call of FOMO and wannabe
be true your belief in God - you're a messenger - you didn't get the gig to slack off on the job