Hey Break Free community! 👋
I’m here to answer any questions you have about living porn-free, staying strong against temptations, or even my own journey and experiences. Whether you’re curious about practical tips, wondering about specific challenges, or just want to know more about why I started this podcast (or if you have an idea for an upcoming podcast), this is your space to ask anything!
A Few Ideas to Get You Started:
How to handle cravings and urges in the moment
Finding accountability and why it matters
Overcoming setbacks and getting back on track
Any questions about the inspiration behind my latest Halloween episode!
How It Works: Comment below with your questions, and I’ll respond to each of them individually. I’ll also compile some of the key takeaways into next week’s newsletter to highlight in the community spotlight.
Thank you so much for supporting this community - it’s because of readers like you that we can continue to have these meaningful conversations.
So, what’s on your mind?
Looking forward to diving into your questions!
What are the major benefits of quitting?
What replaces the urges?