Porn Free Millennial
Porn Free Millennial Podcast
23. Independence Day Eve Message

23. Independence Day Eve Message

Are you free?

A quick message to you before celebrating Independence Day if you are in the USA.

Have a great holiday weekend or great weekend if you are outside the USA!

God Bless and keep fighting the good fight!

Porn Free Millennial
Porn Free Millennial Podcast
If you ever thought about quitting porn or that it isn't healthy for you, you've come to the right place.
I share my experiences with porn and my current recovery. My hope is that this can provide motivation and encouragement for you as we walk this path together!
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Opening Intro Episodes 1-2: Same Ol' by Philip E Morris
Closing Outro Episodes 1-2: Mes(s)merized by Philip E Morris
Opening Intro Episodes 7-9: Sunsetter by Shane Ivers
Closing Outro Episodes 7-9: Sunsetter by Shane Ivers
Opening Intro Episode 10-present: All Hyped Up by RAKKA
Closing Outro Episodes 10-present: All Hyped Up by RAKKA